Florist-to-Florist (F2F) listing

Building relationships with fellow florists helps make the industry stronger.

Mark Florists as Preferred

Have a great experience with a fellow florist through FSN? Mark them as your preferred florist for that sending area!

No Penalties

Never get penalized for sending or receiving orders! Our sending and receiving service is optional for all florists and gives you access to 7,000+ member florists. Go to them directly or let us handle it with an 80/20 split!

Quickly See Sending Details

See sending and receiving rates, plus minimum prices for common products at a glance for each florist. You can also see other important things, like when they confirm a delivery.

Add Optional Florist Notes

Add your own notes to any florists in our sending network! You can use these notes to create helpful reminders for yourself in the future.

What Our Customers Are Saying...

We frequently get asked who we use for sending out flowers and we are proud to say we are members of the Flower Shop Network. They only use local flower shops, and you can find one yourself on their website. Check it out and look us up on there as well. We have been very pleased with the shops they use and they have great customer service. And of course the shops that use us are happy too!

— Frank B., Best Wishes Floral in Golden Valley, MN.

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Stand Out
Make fellow florists take notice when sending florist to florist orders with a colorful, enhanced listing.

In Your City
Your colorful listing will appear in your resident city and the additional cities and zips you serve, above standard listings for that area.

Upgrade Now

Call 1-800-858-9925
for special pricing or for more information.

F2F Select Ads in resident cities appear above regular resident city ads as a group and randomly rotate within the select ads appearing. F2F Select Ads in non-resident cities appear below all resident city ads, but above regular non-resident ads and randomly rotate within the select ads appearing.

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Call now— 800.858.9925
or click here to join online.