As a florist you always have a lot to do in your shop and might not have a ton of time to get professional looking pictures of your favorite designs, so we have focused on four tips to help you achieve high-quality smartphone photos, quick and easy! Having high-quality photos will make your floral designs stand out! Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words. Keep in mind that these pictures would be great on your social media platforms as well. Your shop will look professional all around!
1. Background
Using a plain white or gray background will make your photographs look clean and professional. You can create your own backdrop by using a poster board or a wall. Before you take the photo make sure that the flower arrangement is the only visible object in the shot. Any background objects tend to be distracting and won’t keep your customers focused on the flower arrangement.
2. Lighting
Lighting is an important aspect in capturing quality photographs. We suggest shooting next to a window so there is plenty of natural light. The natural light combined with the white backdrop will really make your flowers stand out. Also, remove any surrounding objects to make sure that there are no shadows in your shot. This will ensure higher quality photographs.
3. Angle
Always position your camera vertically and directly in front of the flower arrangement. Shooting straight on shots is the best angle to display your flower arrangements. Also make sure you are standing far enough away to capture the whole arrangement. The best way to get the whole product in the picture is to leave a little bit of white space around the edges.
4. Accessories
There are many budget-friendly accessories you can purchase to help you achieve high quality photographs. Here are two practical options that we found from Shopify.
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by: Rachel Brantley