Flower Shop Network
Brand Consistency

The Key to Brand Consistency

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As a business owner, you'll spend a lot of time thinking about your brand. From the font you use to the products and services you offer, it's essential to make sure your branding is cohesive on all fronts. So how do you do that? Consistency is the key.

Brand consistency ensures everything to do with your business is on the same page. Same logos, colors, tone, and message on all your platforms. This not only helps customers recognize your business, but it establishes your credibility and also clearly sets you apart from your competitors. If you're not sure where to start on making your brand more consistent, don't worry! We've got a few tips.

Find Your Voice

The voice you use in your business will help others see what it stands for. Do you offer a service or products you can have fun with, or do you prefer to take a more serious tone? What do you want to be associated with your business? These are some questions you'll need to answer before you settle on your voice. Once you've answered them, stick to what you decide! If your website uses more formal language, you should do the same on social media and other platforms. This helps develop a clear message for every part of your brand. When customers know what to expect from your business, it builds trust. It's important to note this doesn't mean everything to do with your business has to be written in the same sentence format or verbiage. Just be mindful of the overall feel of what you're trying to say in a post or on your website, and make sure it stays within the guidelines you set with your voice.

Find Your Style

When you know how you want people to perceive your business, you can start working on the visual aspects that go along with that. Logos, fonts, colors, and even social posts with graphic elements all help identify your brand. You want to choose a style that strengthens your voice and stands apart from the competition. After you've settled on your branding style, you'll use it everywhere. Add logos to anything to do with your business, from social posts to promotional products. Don't change up your fonts or colors, either! You wouldn't use one color palette on your website and another in your emails or business cards. Customers will start to associate your business with your brand style over time, so having that consistency will help establish your business from the start. To ensure everyone at your business is using the correct style, it helps to put together a style guide that's updated anytime you rebrand!

Find Your Strategy

When you've figured out how you want your business to look and sound, your next step is developing your strategy so you can maintain that consistency. This strategy, or plan, will help you keep everything organized and help you decide who you want to reach and how you want to reach them. Will your business use social media, or would email campaigns work better? What kind of social platform will help you reach potential customers? How often will you post or share a blog to your website? Once you've hammered out the details of your strategy, it's just a matter of keeping to your schedule. How often you plan to post content, regular interaction with customer feedback, and how often you plan to run campaigns all play a part in boosting the consistency of your brand. When you have a more regulated schedule for your business, customers will know when to expect what you share, which can help lead to customer loyalty.

You've probably figured out that the key to brand consistency is just that- being consistent. Making sure every platform for your business is cohesive shows your customers your business is dependable. It can seem overwhelming at the start, but using these tips can help you get started on developing a strong brand for your business!

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