Many local florists say they are struggling to compete with with large big-box stores. At Flower Shop Network we want to empower local florists to grow and be successful by providing resources to help you take advantage of your potential as a local business.
So what can you do?
Compete on Quality
Trying to compete on price is going to be an impossible task if you are facing strong competition from a large retailer. Larger stores buy in bulk which gives them great purchasing power. Instead focus your efforts on differentiating your business. Create value by providing the best quality floral designs and arrangements. While your arrangement may be more expensive, customers will be satisfied knowing that they are receiving the best quality arrangement. Not only will this positing strategy differentiate your business, it will also build your loyal customer base.
What you can offer to customers as a local florist is unique. You have the ability to customize designs and products to fit customers exact needs. You know what your customers are willing to spend more money on. Boost your sales by tailoring special offers based on this knowledge. Customers will recognize that your shop understands what they are looking for compared to a large business that can’t provide this type of individualized service to their customers.
Build a Community
As a local florist you have numerous advantages when customers walk into your shop. You have the opportunity to provide a memorable experience for the customer each time they visit. Only at a local florist will customers find someone that will greet them by name, shake their hand, and ask them about their family. These relational experiences should be capitalized on.
Another way to stand out is through community engagement. Make your presence known at annual and monthly local events. For example, be a sponsor at a local 5K or teach a class about gardening to elementary schools in the area. These are great opportunities to network with potential customers and to build your presence in the community.
Another way to build your local community base is to get social. Acknowledge customers birthdays and anniversaries on your social media sites. Share photos of your excited customers receiving their beautiful floral arrangements. These quick posts will add a personal touch to your business that can’t be replicated by big-box businesses.